Gail Hunt (CYA-RYT 200 Member)

  • Location: Hillsdale, Ontario Canada
  • Website: N/A
  • E-mail: Private
  • Service Offered: Hatha
  • Certified: Soul Set Wellness Inc.
  • Years of Practice: 30
  • Teaching Experience: 2
  • Professor, Guru or Teachers: Kaely Bell, LIndsay Maurice
  • Date Joined: June 08, 2022
  • CYA Insurance: HUB International

About Me

In addition to practicing yoga, I also do several other activities, including weights, running, jiu jitsu, HIIT, meditation, hiking. I work full time as a hospital administrator and yoga assists me in balancing my energy, recovering from jiu jitsu and connecting with others

About My Service

hatha yoga, yin yoga, vinyasa, restorative; athletic yoga

Continued Education

